December 15, 2011 opened a joint site library and Internet center. Number of visits to the site for the first year of steadily exceeded 13000.
On our site you will find the latest information about the library branch number 4, children's library branch number 3, the Canadian-Ukrainian Library Center and Internet center "Planet" Chernihiv City CLS. In addition, you can download books from our bookshelf, and then express their opinion on the Forum. In addition a library joined the band community that is engaged in distribution and promotion of all the Ukrainian online. News duplicated on our page in the social network Facebook.
During the first year of the site visited by guests from Argentina, Belarus, Great Britain, Germany, Indonesia, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Canada, China, Korea, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Romania, Serbia, the United States, Taiwan , Thailand, the Czech Republic, Japan and other countries. From the bookshelf books download more than 1800 times. Material posted on torrent tracker "Hurtom" ( download 77 users. Thanks for your support!
The existence of the site was-would be impossible without the support of a free platform for creating websites
uCoz ( and program
Bibliomist ( Special thanks for computer club
Stalker for quality access to the Internet.